Kiriman tentang hal ini disiarkan dalam blog BIGDOGDOTCOM. Blog pro-UMNO yang sebelum ini pernah menimbulkan kontroversi dengan calon PAS dan Datuk Mahfuz ketika kempen pilihan raya kecil di Pulau Pinang baru-baru ini. Itu cerita kontroversi, hari ini blog itu menimbulkan persoalan: ADAKAH MALAYSIA MASIH MENJUAL PASIR KEPADA SINGAPURA?
[BIGDOGDOTCOM] - Are we still selling sand to Singapore?
We are made to believe that Malaysia banned the selling of sand to Singapore. It became a sensitive and heated issue when the “proposal to sell 1 billion cubic metre of sand” was brought into the ‘Scenic Bridge Replacing Johor Causeway negotiations table in first quarter 2006, which saw the outcry of Malaysians especially Johoreans. The other reason was the request to use Johor airspace for low flying Singapore Air Force aircrafts. As a result, PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi abruptly and unceremoniusly cancelled the ‘Scenic Bridge’, amidst construction already started and the RM 1 billion brand new CIQ complex in Bukit Chagar was nearing completion.
The “Selling of 1 billion cubic metre sand proposal” later was discovered to be a ‘Malaysian proposal’, instead a formal request from the Singaporeans at the negotiations table. As the result of the outcry, it was announced that the sale of sand to the island city state was banned.Today, it seems the situation is a little different. Yesterday, Works Minister Dato’ Shaziman Abu Mansor announced in Johor Bahru that “500 trucks carrying sand passed the Causeway”......................
If there is a ban against the ‘Sale of sand to Singapore’, why is it there are “About 500 of the Singapore-bound lorries carry sand” passing through the Sultan Iskandar Complex, daily?When was the ban on the ’sale of land’ to Singapore lifted? Who is responsible to allow this to happen?
It is appalling to learn from the NST report that Works Minister Shaziman is only briefing the Cabinet on the congestion, without discussing the ’sale of sand’ via the Causeway that is calculated at one milliion cubic metres per annum.
For the record, we decided to call Dato’ Seri Abdullah “Prime Minister ‘Flip-Flop’ ” starting from the ‘Flip-Flop’ decision to cancel the ‘Scenic Bridge’ project, nine weeks after making a strong statement that the project “Is proceeding as scheduled“. Tengah Air Base, is situated at north west of the island republic which is only a few kilometres of the coast of Kota Iskandar in Nusajaya is the most likely where SAF aircrafts need the Johor airspace for easy clearance. Johoreans at Gelang Patah and Tajung Piai area have been complaining of these low flying aircrafts for years.
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