16 SEPT: Bukan Anwar Jadi PM, tetapi MR. X , Siapa MR. X?
Jika Projek 16 September menjadi kenyataan, bukan Datuk Seri ANWAR yang diangkat menjadi PM, tetapi Mr. X. Kenyataan ini sudah semestinya dapat menjawab tohmahan bahawa Anwar seorang yang GILA KUASA seperti yang dicanang-canangkan sebelum ini.
Umumnya, orang ramai mula membaca tentang hal ini di blog Raja Petra.
...It is true the opposition had been told -- or at least some of us had been told -- that the military and the Agong were on ‘stand by’ to swear in the new government. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was supposed to have been ousted back in 2008 and a new man was supposed to take over as Prime Minister of Malaysia.
But this new Prime Minister was not supposed to be Anwar. It was going to be another person, an Umno man. And this Umno man is not Najib. It was going to be some other person. And Zahrain, of course, knows this, although he did not say so in Parliament today.
The plot goes as follows. I was asked to meet a certain person named Bul, short for Bulat. All the ‘old boys’ of the Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK) know whom I am talking about. Tan Sri Megat Najmuddin Megat Khas -- that Umno man from the Umno Disciplinary Board who called me his brother and advised me to return to Malaysia and clear by name in court -- also knows who Bul is and what I am talking about.
Anyway, Bul and I had our first meeting at La Bordega in Jalan Telawi in Bangsar. My wife was also present, as was a fourth person who sat there without opening his mouth and without saying a single word, as if he was a member of the KGB (yeap, figure that one out).
I looked at my wife who shook her head. Bul told my wife not to worry. Bul said he offers his guarantee that I would come to no harm. This is dynamite and Pak Lah will fall because he knows about it yet he keeps quiet. And Najib will also fall so Malaysia will get a new Prime Minister. Then we can talk about forming a unity government with Pakatan Rakyat and maybe offer Anwar the post of Deputy Prime Minister.
In the meantime, my wife and I met Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad a couple of times to check whether he is agreeable to the new candidate for Prime Minister or whether he would prefer for Najib to take over. (Tan Sri Sanusi Junid can confirm this). Dr Mahathir gave us the impression that he is not in favour of Najib and that he is agreeable to the man named by Bul.
So we arranged for this man to meet Dr Mahathir and they met a few times. Dr Mahathir also sent Datuk Andrew Leong to meet this man to seal the deal. I, in fact, arranged for the meeting between Andrew Leong and this man. I also sat in on the meeting.
The deal was struck. I would sign my Statutory Declaration. Pak Lah would be ousted. Najib would be blocked from taking over. And the new Prime Minister would take over with Dr Mahathir’s blessing.
Along the way, however, something went wrong. The candidate for new Prime Minister was asked to confirm that he agrees to the setting up a Presidential Council once he becomes Prime Minister. And the Presidential Council, headed by Dr Mahathir, will ‘guide’ the new Prime Minister.
This candidate for new Prime Minister said no. If he becomes Prime Minister then he will decide how this country is going to be run. He is not going to become a puppet Prime Minister with the Presidential Council as the real power behind the throne. Dr Mahathir, in fact, announced during a meeting with about 1,000 Umno members in the Singgahsana Hotel in Petaling Jaya that this Presidential Council will be set up and the next Prime Minister will answer to it.
When this man said no, Dr Mahathir dumped him and turned to Najib. Najib was back in and this other man was out of the picture. But shit, in the meantime I had already signed the Statutory Declaration that was supposed to not only get Pak Lah ousted but disqualify Najib as well.
I was now an embarrassment to them. They needed Najib after all since this other man did not agree to the Presidential Council while Najib did. So they needed to clear Najib’s name. And, to do that, they have to bring me down...
Bagi orang biasa dan blogger salin&tampal dan kutip - olah - siar seperti saya, sudah tentu gerangan Mr. X itu menjadi suatu tanda tanya. Namun, selepas membaca semula kiriman di Malaysia Today, saya mendapat ilham tentang gerangan yang dimaksudkan sebagai Mr. X itu. Biarpun di blog itu tidak menyiarkan nama atau klu tentang Mr. X tersebut, namun saya dapat mengagak gerangan Mr X itu.
Pagi ini di Malaysia Waves, Saudara Tulang Besi menulis tentang dakwaan peranan Proksi UMNO dalam menggagalkan Projek 16 September. Saya petik:
Zahrain telah menaikkan isu SEPT 16. Tetapi tahukah anda.....
Maklumat yang saya dapat adalah calon PM, sekiranya Sept 16 kelmarin berjaya, bukan Anwar Ibrahim. Ianya adalah .......MR X.
Pada mulanya Anwar mahu membawa MP2 melompat atas inisiatif sendiri. Namun, apabila dibantah oleh Presiden dan beberapa kepimpinan PAS Pusat atas alasan "Melayu tidak Majoriti", maka Anwar telah mengubah perancangan beliau.
Banyak masa dibuang kerana bantahan dari PAS. Hanya Tok Guru sahaja yang bersama Anwar pada masa itu. Kepimpinan lain lebih suka bersama UMNO.
Maka, atas bantahan PAS yang tidak berasas ini, Anwar telah bertemu Mr. X dan Mr X bersetuju membawa MP2 Melayu di bawah beliau.
Mr X akan menjadi PM selepas Najib diturunkan.
Namun, pada masa itu sudah terlambat. Najib telah menghidu dan Pak LAh awal2 isytihar letak jawatan. MP2 di bawa ke Taiwan dan dikurung di sana.
Kepimpinan Pro UMNO dalam PAS boleh dipersalahkan atas kegagalan Sept 16 dan bukan Anwar.
Kiranya majoriti dalam kerajaan itu bukan Islam sekalipun, kerajaan itu hanya akan survive tidak lebih dari 1 tahun.
Selepas 1 tahun, kalau masih belum dibubar Dewan, PAS boleh menarik sokongan pada Anwar dan hasilnya kerajaan baru itu akan tumbang juga dan membawa kepada pilihanraya.
Begitu dangkal pemimpin2 PAS pro UMNO ini sehingga mereka sanggup mengagalkan Sept 16. Hakikatnya, mereka mahu mempertahankan UMNO serta memastikan kesinambungan UMNO.
Anwar berjiwa besar dan sanggup mengambil kira pendapat PAS. Anwar telah sanggup menggadaikan reputasi beliau semata-mata menghormati PAS.
Pemimpin2 pro UMNO dalam PAS ini umpama barah. Mereka harus dibersihkan seluruhnya.
ini yang aku tau pasal 16sept
1. yang lompat banyak bukan melayu... kerana ramai bukan melayu umno dah tak tahan anggok2 geleng2 dalam Umno
2. mmang aku akui aku tau pasal Hadi Awang yang gagalkan projek 16sept.. alasan utama kerana MELAYU! dan sbb tu TB kata pasal majoriti..
3. Tapi sebenanrnya pada aku TGHA tak paham... Kalau ikut perancangan cara lompat yang di ilhamkan oleh ANWAR adalah cara betul kalau bandingkan dengan PERAK..
4. iaitu usul undi tak percaya dalam dewan.. dan kalau jadik ada 2 kemungkinan sahaja, iaitu Pak Lah letak jawatan, ataupun Pak Lah cabar di PRU. (maknanya parlimen bubar) macam Nizar nak buat...
5.Msih ingatkah PakLah mengumumkan penanguhan parlimen kerana kononnya menghormati bulan puasa.. Tapi sebenarnya kerana takut dalam parlimen akan ada orang usul undi tak percaya pada PakLah.. sebab tu tangguh, dan hantar para yang bakal lomat parti ke Taiwan bagi brainwash..
6.Itu yang aku tau.. tapi malas nak goreng dalam blog sebelum nih... Sebabnye TGHA... mau kena walaaaa oooooo....