Celaka Geert Wilders
Geert Wilders ialah MP Belanda anti-Muslim yang pernah menaikkan kemarahan umat Islam di seluruh dunia selepas penyiaran filem pendek “Fitna” pada sekitar tahun 2008. Anda boleh segarkan ingatan tentang hal itu di sini. Kes yang difailkan terhadapnya masih berjalan sehingga kini.
Baru-baru ini, sepertti yang dilaporkan oleh Telegraph, Greert Wilders dilaporkan sedang menubuhkan suatu pergerakan antarabangsa yang antara tujuannya untuk menyebarkan mesej untuk menghalang imigrasi penduduk dari negara Islam ke Barat. Berdasarkan berita di bawah ini, Wilder akan melancarkan pergerakan itu di lima buah negara iaitu di Amerika Syarikat, Kanada, Britian, Perancis, dan Jerman.
Mesej pergerakan tersebut ialah “Hentikan Islam, Pertahankan Kebebasan” yang menurutnya bukan sahaja penting kepada Belanda tetapi terhadap semua negara Barat.
Selain menghalang imgrasi dari negara Islam, pergerakan itu mahu undang-undang Islam diharamkan. Celaka Geert Wilders!Saya petik:
Geert Wilders to spread anti-Muslim movement to UK
[Telegraph] Geert Wilders, the controversial anti-Muslim Dutch MP, has said he is forming an international alliance to spread his message to Britain and across the West in a bid to ban immigration from Islamic countries.
Mr Wilders will launch the movement late this year, initially in five countries: the US, Canada, Britain, France and Germany.
"The message, 'stop Islam, defend freedom,' is a message that's not only important for the Netherlands but for the whole free Western world," Mr Wilders said at the Dutch parliament.
Among the group's aims will be outlawing immigration from Islamic countries to the West and a ban on Islamic law.
Starting as a grass-roots movement, he hopes it eventually will produce its own lawmakers or influence other legislators.
Ayhan Tonca, a prominent spokesman for Dutch Muslims, said he feared Mr Wilders' message would fall on fertile ground in much of Europe, where anti-Islam sentiment has been swelling for years.
"So long as things are going badly with the economy, a lot of people always need a scapegoat," Mr Tonca said. "At the moment, that is the Muslims in Western Europe."
Mr Tonca called on "well meaning people in Europe to oppose this."
Mr Wilders has won awards in the Netherlands for his debating skills and regularly stands up for gay and women's rights.
But he rose to local and then international prominence with his firebrand anti-Islam rhetoric that has led to him being charged under Dutch anti-hate speech laws and banned from visiting Britain - until a court ordered that he be allowed into the country.
He said he hopes to position the alliance between traditional Conservative parties and far-Right wing groups, saying that in Britain there is "an enormous gap" between the ruling Conservative Party and the far-Right British National Party.
"The BNP is a party that, whatever you think of it, it's not my party - I think it's a racist party," Mr Wilders said.
Mr Wilders, who calls Islam a "fascist" religion, has seen his support in the Netherlands soar in recent years, even while he has been subjected to round-the-clock protection because of death threats...
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