Sumbang Mahram: Adik-Beradik Berhadapan dengan Hukuman Penjara Jika Lakukan Seks
Sebagai akibatnya, kedua-duanya telah diletakkan di bawah pengawasan polis selama setahun. Selepas "bebas", kedua-duanya dilaporkan tinggal sebumbung. Menurut pihak berkuasa, jika mereka masih berdegil dan melakukan hubungan seks, kedua-duanya berhadapan dengan hukuman penjara.
Bolehkah pihak berkuasa memantau pergerakan/kelakuan sumbang mereka, sedangkan kedua-duanya kini tinggal sebumbung? Duniacacamarba!
Saya petik:
[The Sun] A BROTHER and sister convicted of incest have moved in together - two years after they were banned by a sheriff from having sex.Berkaitan:
Nick Cameron, 30, has set up home with his half-sister Danielle Healey, 25, in her home town of Glenrothes, Fife.
But the pair - who share a mother - face jail if they are caught having nookie again.
Last night a source said: "It's one thing to live together but if they are caught getting up to any funny business they will find themselves back in the courts. Danielle's mum doesn't live far away and she spends a bit of time there. It's weird."
The siblings first hit the headlines when they admitted incest after their shocked mum caught them in a naked clinch.
They had embarked on their sordid affair weeks after meeting each other for the first in summer 2006.
Danielle had been raised by her mother while Nick was brought up in foster care.
After being let off with one year's probation by Kirkcaldy Sheriff William Holligan in 2008, Danielle told The Scottish Sun she would NEVER sleep with Nick again.
Mum-of-one Danielle - who ditched her husband to be with her brother - added: "We can still kiss, hold hands and be together."
In a later interview Nick added: "There will always be temptation but we have decided that we can still love each other without having sex.
"I love Danielle and because of that I don't want to do anything which might put her in prison. The sexual expression of our feelings is only one part of the relationship."
Nick and Danielle have appeared on a Channel 4 documentary about genetic sexual attraction - where blood relatives separated for most of their lives fall in love with each other when they meet.
Neither would comment last night.
* Incest dad's test over twisted lust
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