Beginikah Sikap Rakyat (Pekerja yang Bekerja di) Malaysia?
Seorang mangsa kemalangan mungkin dapat diselamatkan jika pekerja sebuah stesen minyak prihatin terhadap rayuan Teo Chai Yong yang mahu meminjam alat pemadam api di stesen tersebut. Selepas rayuannya ditolak, Teo juga menawarkan sejumlah wang untuk membeli alat pemadam api tersebut. Sebaliknya, pekerja di stesen minyak itu hanya menyatakan bahawa dia tidak ada kuasa untuk membuka peti yang menyimpan alat pemadam api itu. Salah seorang pekerja itu juga meminta Teo menelefon pihak yang berkenaan jika terdapat sebarang kebakaran.
Kerana sikap tidak prihatin pekerja-pekerja stesen minyak itu, seorang wanita yang dipercayai pelajar dari Sarawak rentung selepas keretanya yang terbabit dalam suatu kemalangan terbakar. MALANG! Saya petik:
[TS] Among the earliest to arrive on the scene was 31-year-old Teo Chai Yong.
He was on the phone with the emergency hotline operator when he heard the frightened screams of “Tolong! Tolong! Help me!” from a woman in a Myvi. Sparks flew from under the car.
Teo quickly drove to the nearest 24-hour petrol station, less than 500m away, hoping to find a fire extinguisher.
“As I ran up to the paying counter, I saw four fire extinguishers behind the glass door. An attendant was on the other side.
“I pleaded with him to let me have the fire extinguisher and screamed that someone was pinned inside a burning car.
“But he just stared at me and kept saying he was not allowed to open the door after hours,” Teo said.
In desperation, Teo even offered to buy the extinguishers and showed the attendant his identity card.
Shortly, a second attendant showed up beside the first man and told Teo to call the fire department if there was a fire.
In frustation, Teo rushed back to the accident scene, only to see the car, with the woman still inside, engulfed in flames.
“She was still screaming but I could do nothing. I just stood there, her screams grew more frantic before fading away,” he said in a telephone interview.
BH Petrol’s managing director Tan Kim Thiam, when contacted, expressed regret over the incident at one of their petrol stations.
He said robberies were common in those hours.
“The staff were concerned and did not respond to the request as they could not see the accident,” said Tan, who declined to comment further....
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