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Cerita UG- Kerajaan Perpaduang

Agenda Unity Government (UG). Apa progresnya selepas ketiadaan TGNA?Video lain:1....

Posted by DUNIACACAMARBA on Saturday, October 17, 2015


Selasa, 1 Jun 2010

Israel Mula Bebaskan Tahanan, Namun 487 Masih Ditahan

Saya tidak sempat untuk menterjemahkan keseluruhan berita yang dipautkan di bawah ini. Secara ringkasnya, pihak Israel mula membebaskan tahanan, namun 487 masih ditahan.

Menurut kenyataan tentera Israel, mereka melepaskan tembakan yang mengorbankan belasan nyawa dan mencederakan puluhan yang lain selepas diancam oleh para aktivis. Kenyataan itu telah dinafikan sekeras-kerasnya oleh para aktivis dan mereka dengan tegas menyatakan bahawa tembakan dilepaskan oleh tentera Israel tanpa sebarang provokasi daripada pihak aktivis.

Lanjut sila baca petikan akhbar Telegraph UK di bawah ini:

The Israeli authorities said it was expelling 48 activists seized on the six ships but would continue to detain 487 others.

One, who identified himself as American but did not give his name, told reporters as he was being led away the he was "not violent".

"What I can tell you is that there are bruises all over my body," he said. "They won't let me show them to you."

The United Nations Security Council has called for an impartial investigation into the raid, in which at least nine activists on board a Turkish ship, the Mavi Marmara, were killed.

Israel claimed its troops only opened fire after being set upon by activists wielding iron bars, but the Free Gaza Movement, which organised the convoy, and the Turkish group IHH, which made up most of the activists on board, said the shooting was unprovoked.

An exact death toll is still unclear, with Israeli authorities now saying nine were killed, while activist groups said 19 were unaccounted for. Most were believed to be Turkish.

Turkey led calls for an independent inquiry and a lifting of the Israeli blockade on Gaza. That call looked set to be taken up by the security council.

"It is clearer than ever that Israel's restrictions on access to Gaza must be lifted," said the British ambassador to the UN, Mark Lyall Grant. "The current closure is unacceptable and counterproductive."

The Palestinian representative, Riyad Mansour, said the raid was an attack on unarmed civilians in international waters and a "war crime".

Protests were staged in cities around the world on Monday afternoon, but outrage at the incident was strongest in Turkey, historically Israel's closest ally in the Muslim world.

Its foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu, called the raid "banditry and piracy" on the high seas and "murder conducted by a state."

A Turkish draft resolution was circulated at the security council calling for the attack to be condemned in the strongest terms as a violation of international law.

However, there was one significant step back from the crisis.

The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, said peace talks with Israel would continue despite the near-universal condemnation of the raid.

Mr Abbas met advisers on Monday night, but said there was no need to quit the talks, which only restarted earlier this month. This was because the talks were being conducted through an American envoy, George Mitchell, and not directly, an adviser told the Associated Press afterwards.

Mr Abbas's decision will infuriate Hamas, which has ruled the Gaza strip since driving out Mr Abbas's Fatah movement by force in 2007, when the blockade was imposed. It will make reconciliation between the two divided halves of the Palestinian territories even more difficult.

But it is likely to be seized on by the United States, which will be once again attempting to balance its growing frustration at the inflexibility of the government of the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and its role as Israel's most important and sometimes only significant defender.

Its UN deputy ambassador, Alejandro Wolff, was notably restrained in his response. He made no mention of support for an international investigation, suggesting an internal inquiry by Israel would suffice.

The Americans have not directly condemned the violence.

"We expect a credible and transparent investigation and strongly urge the Israeli government to investigate the incident fully," Mr Wolff said.

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