Taliban Dibiayai oleh Cukai AS?
Bagaimana Cukai AS membiayai Taliban? Sila baca berita di bawah ini. Namun begitu, tiada sumber Taliban yang mengesahkan hal ini. Berita ini hanya berdasarkan laporan House Subcommittee for National Security.
Jadi nilaikanlah berita ini, sebelum anda membuat penilaian. Saya petik:
Taliban funded by US taxes
The US military has been giving tens of millions of American taxpayer dollars to warlords in Afghanistan, through logistics firms in the war-torn country.
Investigators say as much as $4 million per week end up in the hands of the Taliban via local security companies in return for not attacking convoys carrying supplies to American troops based across Afghanistan.
The money allegedly ensures a safe passage for the Pentagon transport contractors in dangerous Afghan regions.
If the mafia-style protection payments are not made, the trucks responsible for transporting food, water, fuel and ammunition will allegedly come under attack.
The report carried out by the House Subcommittee for National Security further adds that armed groups are not the only beneficiaries of the hefty sum.
Bribes and kickbacks are reportedly paid to nearly every Afghan governor, police chief and local military commander unit whose territory the convoys pass through.
These agreements, made by security companies hired under the Host Nation Trucking contract, violate laws on the use of private contractors, as well as US Department of Defense regulations, the document said.
One of these security companies in question is allegedly owned by relatives of the Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
The Host Nation Trucking contract is an essential part of US efforts to sustain more than 200 military combat outposts throughout Afghanistan.
Pentagon's Army Criminal Investigation Command has confirmed the six-month-long inquiry and is to report its own findings on the issue to the congressional committee later on Tuesday.
The latest report comes amid a deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan.
The 2001 US-led invasion was launched with the objective of brining peace and stability to Afghanistan. Nine years on, however, Taliban militancy has reached new heights and civilians continue to pay the price.
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