Saya ingin berkongsi maklumat tentang kontroversi "beer" seperti yang ditulis oleh Tulang Besi dalam blognya. Justeru, maklumat yang dinyatakan di blognya wajar disebarluaskan agar kekeliruan tentang krisis/percanggahan pendapat antara PAS dengan DAP ini dapat fahami oleh masyarakat.
Selain itu, beliau juga menulis tentang peranan pihak yang menyemarakkan penjualan arak di Malaysia. Dalam hal yang berkaitan, beliau juga menyatakan peranan UMNO dalam urusan pemberian lesen dan sebagainya ketika memerintah Selangor. Lebih mengejutkan, pemerintah di peringkat persekutuan juga tidak menegah orang Islam menjadi ahli lembaga pengarah syarikat arak di negara ini.
Selain kiriman beliau, saya mahu memetik beberapa berita utama di Utusan Malaysia yang menyentuh isu ini. Berita pertama adalah tentang kesanggupan dan semangat sintetik Pemuda UMNO yang mahu berdemonstrasi bersama dengan PAS dalam membantah tindakan exco DAP. Tindakan ini tak lain tak bukan hanyalah bermotifkan politik dan bersikap menangguk di air yang keruh, bukannya kerana mempertahankan agama. Terang-terangan tindakan tersebut hanyalah semata-mata mahu melaga-lagakan parti-parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Jika benar mereka mahu mempertahankan maruah orang Islam, sanggupkah Pemuda UMNO berdemonstrasi mendesak Kerajaan Malaysia agar mengawal penjualan arak di seluruh negara?
"Demonstrasi UMNO-Pas?
[UTUSAN MALAYSIA] 5 Ogos - Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO hari ini melahirkan kesanggupan mereka untuk turun padang menyertai demonstrasi aman yang dianjurkan oleh Pemuda Pas Jumaat ini bagi mendesak Kerajaan Selangor menukar portfolio Exconya, Ronnie Liu.
Bagaimanapun, menurut pergerakan itu, Pemuda UMNO hanya akan menyertai perhimpunan tersebut sekiranya Pas berjaya mendapat permit daripada polis untuk mengadakan demonstrasi aman tersebut.
Exco Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO, Tengku Azman Tengku Zainal Abidin berkata, pihaknya dimaklumkan bahawa Pas akan menganjurkan demonstrasi itu di kawasan masjid pada Jumaat ini.
"Kami Pemuda UMNO ingin bertanya kepada Pemuda Pas, di masjid mana akan diadakan demonstrasi itu pada pukul berapa? Adakah sudah mendapat permit?
"Jika sudah mendapat permit, Pemuda UMNO bersedia untuk menyertai demonstrasi bersama Pas mendesak supaya Liu meletakkan jawatannya," katanya selepas mengiringi tiga persatuan peniaga membuat laporan polis terhadap Gabungan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) di Balai Polis Tun H.S Lee di sini hari ini..."Berita kedua pula menyentuh tentang cabaran UMNO Selangor terhadap PAS agar mendesak MB Selangor memecat Ronnie Liu yang dikatakan mempersendakan Islam. Saya cuma mahu menimbulkan persoalan, jika DAP yang dikatakan mempersendakan Islam, apakah pula gelaran yang wajar diberikan kepada parti yang memberikan lesen penjualan arak, parti yang membenarkan pembinaan kilang arak, dan membenarkan penjualan arak berleluasa di seluruh negara? Cuba dasari pendapat anda itu berdasarkan hadis yang menyatakan bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW melaknat 10 golongan yang terbabit dengan arak ini seperti yang diriwayatkan oleh Tarmizi dan Ibnu Majah: Rasulullah s.a.w. melaknat tentang arak, sepuluh golongan: (1) yang memerahnya, (2) yang minta diperahkannya, (3) yang meminumnya, (4) yang membawanya, (5) yang minta dihantarinya, (6) yang menuangkannya, (7) yang menjualnya, (8) yang makan harganya, (9) yang membelinya, (10) yang minta dibelikannya. Dalam hal ini, DAP sudah tentu jahilnya, UMNO?
"Pas dicabar gesa MB pecat Liu persenda Islam
[UTUSAN MALAYSIA] 5 Ogos – UMNO Selangor hari ini mencabar Pas negeri agar mendesak Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim memecat Exconya, Ronnie Liu kerana menyalah guna kuasa dan mempersendakan hukum Islam dengan mengatakan bir bukan minuman keras.
Timbalan Pengerusi Perhubungan UMNO Selangor, Datuk Noh Omar berkata, Pas juga dicabar berdemonstrasi demi menegakkan hukum Islam yang cuba diperlekehkan wakil rakyat DAP itu.
Beliau berkata, Pas sepatutnya tahu isu mana yang perlu diketengahkan jika benar apa yang diperjuangkan mereka adalah demi menegakkan syiar Islam.
‘‘Mana Exco Pas dan hero Pemuda Pas? Kenapa dia tidak buat demonstrasi dalam isu ini? Yang mana lebih penting demonstrasi untuk hapuskan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) atau demonstrasi menegakkan hukum Islam dan memecat orang yang cuba mempersendakan Islam.
‘‘Jadi kita nak cabar kalau Pas betul-betul berjuang demi Islam, dia patut membuat demonstrasi menentang apa yang telah dilakukan Ronnie kerana ini isu baru. Bukannya membuat demonstrasi menentang ISA yang merupakan isu lapuk dan bermusim.
‘‘Takkan nak biarkan saja rakan kongsi sebantal mereka yang tak faham hukum mengenai arak menjadi ulama dan memberi fatwa. Cukuplah Datuk Seri Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat yang bagi fatwa,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas melancarkan Bloggers Patriot - Misi Tawan Shah Alam dan Selangor di Bangunan UMNO Shah Alam di sini malam tadi..."
Siri kiriman Tulang Besi tentang kontroversi "beer" yang saya salin & tampal dari blognya.
6 Ogos 2009
"Isu Arak di Selangor: UMNO Jangan Jadi Munafik
UMNO Selangor cuba menangguk di air keruh. Cuba nak tunjuk hero dalam isu arak di Selangor
Khir Toyo diberitakan berkata:
“I am not suggesting that the sale of alcohol be banned everywhere. Alcohol can be sold, just not in areas where there is a Muslim majority,” said Khir.
He said when Selangor was under BN, beer was not sold in areas like Shah Alam and Bangi because of the large number of Muslims living in those areas.
Does that mean the former mentri besar agrees with PAS, particularly Datuk Hassan Ali, on the matter?
“Barisan has never had a problem like this in the past. If they (DAP) can respect Hindu rights, why not Muslim rights?” he replied.”
UMNO dan Khir Toyo jangan jadi munafik. Rekod menunjukkan sepanjang UMNO menganggotai Majlis MBSA, tidak pernah isu penjualan arak secara terbuka ini diperbincangkan.
Kedai yang dirampas arak oleh MBSA itu telah menjalankan operasi menjual arak sejak zaman BN memerintah lagi sehingga telah diprotes oleh penduduk setempat. Malangnya, protes penduduk setempat telah seperti mencurah air di daun keladi.
Semua wakil-wakil rakyat UMNO serta ahli Majlis mereka tidak pernah menaikkan isu penjualan arak di Shah Alam ini.
Mengapa saya gunakan perkataan Munafik
Senang sahaja. Yang bagi lesen arak ni UMNO. Yang bina kilang Calrsberg dan Anchor di Selangor ni UMNO. Yang benarkan arak dijual berleluasa di seluruh negara adalah UMNO.
Jadi, takkan kita nak harapkan UMNO untuk membenteras penjualan arak di Selangor sedangkan UMNO yang keluarkan lesen.
Masakan kita boleh harapkan perompak untuk membenteras amalan perompakan.
UMNO Benarkan Orang Melayu Islam Duduk di Lembaga Pengarah Calsberg
Saya nak tanya, mengapa UMNO boleh benarkan orang Melayu Islam duduk di Lembaga Pengarah Calrsberg? Mengapa tiada tindakan dan larangan dari UMNO? Apa tindakan yang UMNO telah ambil untuk menghalang beberapa individu Melayu Islam ini dari menjawat kedudukan di Lembaga Pengarah Calrsberg?
(Sila rujuk: http://announcements.bursamalaysia.com/EDMS/hsubweb.nsf/1c0706d8c060912d48256c6f0017b41c/48256aaf0027302c48256b8b0036a2a5/$FILE/Carlsbg-Products-CorpInfo-DirectorsProfile%20(725KB).pdf)
Sudahlah UMNO dengan penipuan kamu. Hakikatnya tokeh2 judi dan arak adalah kawan karib UMNO dan Barisan Nasional.
Pemuda UMNO seharusnya menubuhkan ”Briged Calrsberg” mereka dan Putri UMNO seharusnya menubuhkan ”Skuad MAGNUM” bagi menghargai sumbangan yang tidak terhingga industri arak dan judi kepada UMNO.
Malahan UMNO septatutnya mengadakan majlis berbuka puasa serta solat tarawikh di Zouk dan Hard Rock Cafe bagi menghargai sumbangan tokeh2 kabaret kepada UMNO.
Berhentilah bersandiwara. Berhentilah berlakon. Hakikatnya kamu lebih akrab persahabatan kamu dengan tokeh2 judi dan arak berbanding DAP. Ini adalah fakta.
Tak payahlah UMNO nak jadi jaguh kampung. Sibuk berkokok tapi ekor bergelumang taik. Memalukan agama, bangsa dan negara.
Tulang Besi"
6 Ogos 2009
"As a Taxpayer to MBSA, I Fully Support the New Liqour Ruling
That’s right. I am a bona fide tax payer to the MBSA. That’s because my house is located within the MBSA jurisdiction and I am a taxpayer. Therefore, I fully want the new laws on liquor be applied to my housing area. My housing area is majority Muslims and I feel that such ruling must be applied to my area no matter what Ronnie Liu says.
Someone Needs to Address the Problem of Underage Drinking
It’s true. It’s a problem plaguing every developed nations. I know underage drinking is an apademic in America so much so that it has become one of America’s major problem at this moment.
We, in Malaysia, should be lucky that MBSA has taken a proactive step towards preventing the problem from becoming an apedemic in Malaysia. The trend now is that both parents are working and therefore there is very little time for child supervision. At this juncture it’s only right for the state to step in and help parents in their duty to raise their children.
Already our medias are spewing negative values 24-7, and for parents to prevent their children from falling into the underage drinking pitfall is even harder. If any, the MBSA should be lauded since it is clearly a step towards controlling the problem of underage drinking.
I do not want my children to be even be put in a situation where they are tempted to drink by peer pressure. To cut off supply is a very good way of guaranteeing that.
Nonsense if this is Viewed as Curtailing the Rights of the Minority
Anyone who suggests this is clearly talking nonsense, even though he/she is the MP of PJ Utara. I, for one, will tell my friends working and living in PJ Utara not to vote for this very arrogant man.
And there is a lot of my family who lives in PJ Utara. And I think I can even get the my family in SS3 not to vote for the man as well.
The ban only applies to convenience stores, grocery stores and Muslim restaurants. In Chinese and Indian restaurants in Muslim majority areas, the ban is not applied. So, how is this a form of minority rights curtailing?
It’s a stricter policy towards liquor. In Norway, only the government can sell liquor. At least, the MBSA still allows private entity to sell liquor. In Norway, only the government sells liquor. And no public advertising of liquor is allowed. Football teams bearing the insignia of liquor companies are prohibited from doing so, and such, they have to wear jerseys that is empty in front when they play in Norway. So will Norway be deemed as disrespecting minority rights as well?
So, what’s the big deal about the MBSA ruling? Why make a fuss when there’s so many other problems facing the people of Malaysia.
People like Tony Pua needs to grow up.
Tulang Besi"
5 Ogos 2009
"DAP Supported the Liqour Control Ruling in Shah Alam
The recent “control” of liquor ( or some people call it ban) in Shah Alam has gotten some people to talk question the need to respect the rights of the minority.
For instance, Tony Pua says in his website ():
“Instead we seek to protect the rights of the Malaysian minorities and seek reasonable measures to be implemented to achieve the objective of all parties and such reasonableness cannot be achieved via indiscriminate raids and blanket bans.”
My question to Tony Pua is, do we protect the rights of the minority up to the point where we deny the rights of the majority? In truth, the MBSA ruling DOES NOT undermine the rights of the minority at all.
Why? Based on my teleconversation with a friend of mine who sits on the MBSA board, the “ruling” only applies to convenience stores, Muslim restaurants and grocery stores.
Furthermore, the real motivation of the ruling is complaints from many parents in the area of their children having access to alcoholic beverages during which their parents are off at work. Already parents are burdened with financial stress and inability to spend more time with their children.
Now, they have to worry about their children being exposed to intoxicants which are easily accessible at the local convenience stores.
Tony Pua seems to exhibit his ignorance of the law
He says:
“Secondly, the local councils are not empowered to raid such stores to enforce laws which doesn't exist or to act on behalf of any Islamic enactments in the state.
Local councils conducting such raids will only lead to the state government being sued for breaching the laws of the land, resulting in unnecessary compensation to the aggrieved parties. Hence any decision to return the illegally seized goods to their respective owners is absolutely correct and must be upheld.”
Whatever it is, Tony Pua will find himself at odds with the MBSA Legal Advisors. To quote a simple example, Kelantan state government has been controlling number of liquor and gambling premises through the same mechanism used by MBSA. And it has been 18 years now and yet there has been ZERO legal action against the various Kelantan local governments. I think Tony Pua needs to check with his own legal advisors and if need be sack him.
The truth is, liquor with alcohol content of less than 8.8% falls under the purview of Local Government’s Premise Licensing regulations. In the case of MBSA, they have made the rule stricter by making sure liquor be sold only at establishment not visited by Muslims. Even in Muslim areas, liquors are allowed to sell in Chinese and Indian restaurants or clubs. It is only prohibited in convenient stores, grocery stores and Muslim restaurants.
Tell me, how is this AN INFRINGEMENT OF MINORITY RIGHTS. What the MBSA is doing is simple following the wishes of the majority taxpayers in the interest of easing the burden of parents in the area.
Ronnie Liu should also get his facts straight.
He is quoted as saying:
“Contrary to press reports there was no full board meeting which unanimously sanctioned a ban on the sale of beer in Muslim majority areas in Shah Alam.”
This was confirmed by the mayor Mazalan Md Noor, who added the seizure of the beer was not sanctioned and the legality of the seizure is questionable.”
Such ruling was sanctioned in a full-board meeting last years and it was even supported by the DAP rep in the MBSA.
I think this issue is blown out of proportion. The MBSA is just respecting the wishes of the taxpayer.
I myself is a taxpayer in MBSA and I give my unequivocal support to such ruling. Ronnie Liu and Tony Pua has disrespected my wishes and as such if they pursue such course of action.
Hasan Ali’s Press Conference is Uncalled for
It’s true. I disagree with what Hasan Ali did. He should not have organized a press conference to address this issue. He can bring this matter up in the exco meeting.
But, MBSA ruling has the support of everyone in PAS, whether they support Pakatan Rakyat or not.
Such resistance from DAP and liberals will only make the “UMNO fraction” in PAS more relevant and seen to be more credible. It will result in more and more PAS members believing in the UMNO-PAS axis or solution in their quest to uphold Islam.
Especially when this particular ruling from MBSA does not undermine the “minority’s rights in anyway whatsoever. It is only preventing liquor from being sold to Muslims. That’s all.
So, Ronnie Liu and Tony Pua’s tirade and inaccurate assessement of the situation will only embolden the Pro UMNO faction in PAS. That explains why Hasan Ali opts to make this issue public rather than playing the issue according to normal practice and procedures.
Hasan Ali and gang opted for a public press conference such as this to further embolden his pro UMNO faction within PAS. In truth, the MBSA ruling was
Tulang Besi"
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