MEMALUKAN!: Kisah Polis "Pow" Pelancong Singapura Hangat Diperkatakan di Laman Internet Singapura
Cerita fasal "polis terdesak" seperti dilabelkan dalam artikel di bawah ini turut dibincangkan dalam laman forum di Singapura dan dipautkan dalam beberapa portal berita di negara itu. Sungguh memalukan! Saya petik:
[STOMP] Instead of issuing STOMPer Chu a summons, a desperate Malaysian cop at the Johor Bahru checkpoint demanded 50 ringgit from the STOMPer to 'settle' a traffic violation.
Even though the STOMPer asked him to issue a summons, the Malaysian cop insisted that he settled the matter on the spot by paying him 50 ringgit.
With a warning to all STOMPers to look out for such desperate traffic policemen, Chu recounts the incident:
"It was pouring around 5pm yesterday (17 Aug) when I reached the JB checkpoint.
"Visibility was poor due to the weather and most of the motorists had their car headlights turned on.
"Just 2 seconds before I turned into the filter lane at the Malaysian Customs, I was stopped by a traffic policeman.
"His first question to me after inspecting my car was, 'what is the purpose of this visit?'
"Before I could say anything, he answered on my behalf and said that I was here for shopping.
"Then, he accused me of crossing some double white lines.
"I apologised to him and explained that I did not realise it due to the bad weather.
"He then walked away and sent one of his colleagues to talk to me.
"This guy told me that I was going to be issued a summons and had to pay a 200 ringgit fine.
"He then asked me how I would like to settle it. I told him to issue me the summons.
"He then told me to settle the matter on the spot. However, I insisted on taking the summons.
"He continued to demand that I settle the matter immediately and pay him 50 ringgit.
"Left with no choice, I paid him 50 ringgit. Please watch out for such desperate cops."
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