[Terkini/Live] LIWAT II: Permohonan Karpal Diterima - Mahkamah Bersidang Semula pada 20 Sept
Mahkamah menolak permohonan DSAI untuk membatalkan pertuduhan terhadapnya. Berita tentang hal ini sudah diberitakan di sini dan di sini.
Terkini, permohonan Karpal untuk "Application for Stay" telah diterima dan mahkamah akan bersidang semula pada 20 Sept akan datang.
Laporan Twitter TMI:
- SODOMT 2 - Trial adjourned. (TERKINI)
- SODOMY 2 - Application of stay granted. Court will resume Sept 20.
- SODOMY 2 - Judge says appeal not a method to delay trial, must have special circumstances. It is fairer if this is dealt with first.
- SODOMY 2 - Trial resumes.
- SODOMY 2 - Judge Mohd Zabidin Mohd Diah says need time to decide. Court stands down for a while.
- SODOMY 2 - Yusof says stay should only be given at the end of the trial.
- SODOMY 2 - Yusof: Any ruling made in process of a trial is not appealable.
- SODOMY 2 - Yusof: What your honour did was just to maintain status quo with your judgment so prosecution may continue producing evidence.
- SODOMY 2 - Solicitor-General II Yusof Zainal Abiden: It is not final order so not appealable. Application for stay does not arise.
- SODOMY 2 - Karpal: The fact that the matter would become interlocutory if decision was reversed at Court of Appeals level.
- SODOMY 2 - Karpal: If court decides charges out to be struck out, that will be the end of the matter.
- SODOMY 2 - Karpal: Ruling made is which which would dispose rights of parties.
- SODOMY 2 - Karpal says application raised whether ruling made by judge in the morning be viewed as final order.
- SODOMY 2 - Karpal says notice of appeal has been filed and application for stay pending outcome of appeal also filed.
- SODOMY 2 - Trial resumes.
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